Prescription Safety Glasses
Clear vision is crucial for safety. Prescription safety glasses combine durable physical eye protection with precise vision correction. Start by selecting a pair of frames that are rated for conditions on a work site or in any other environment in which you need to see clearly while protecting your eyes.
Correct Vision for Safety
Whether you work under hazardous conditions or play impact sports, it is crucial that your eyes remain protected while your vision is corrected. Prescription safety eyewear combines the benefits of clearer vision with impact resistance and many other protective features. Narrow down the available options by making sure that the diopters of prescription lenses are compatible with the frame style. Most frames are also available with single vision, bifocal or progressive (no line) lenses.
High RX prescriptions with a cylinder measurement exceeding +/- 2.50 or a sphere exceeding +/- 5.0 may not be suitable for wraparound frames. The shape of these frames can distort vision. Some glasses styles are available with a prescription rim system to accommodate diopters that exceed +/- 3.5 degrees. Most lenses are available with standard or Digital HD surfacing.
Durable Eye Protection
The most durable frames are made of plastic or metal and have shatterproof lenses. The American National Standards Institute and other regulatory bodies perform rigorous testing of eyewear and assign safety ratings. Glasses with the ANSI Z87 rating have passed a basic impact test in which a steel ball with a one-inch diameter is dropped on a lens from a height of 50 inches. The Z87+ rating indicates that eyewear mounted on a head form has passed high mass and velocity testing.
In the past, the lenses in Z87 prescription safety glasses were required to be at least 3 millimeters thick. Thinner and lighter prescription lenses that pass impact testing are now permitted. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and international standards organizations also maintain safety ratings for eyewear.
Prescription Safety Glasses FAQs
>Why should you wear prescription safety glasses?
Clear vision and physical eye protection are essential for safety on job sites or in environments where impact or other injury risks may be present. Safety eyewear provides all-in-one protection without the need to layer correction and protection or use inserts. Select frames and lenses that meet relevant safety standards.
What standards should safety eyewear meet?
The general safety standard for impact is ANSI Z87.1, which was updated in 2015. The OSHA 29 CFR 1910.133(b)(2) eye protection standard for general industry references ANSI Z87 standards, as does the International Safety Equipment Association. EN 166 is the European personal eye protection safety standard.
Will your prescription fit any pair of frames?
The base curve of frames can determine whether lenses with high diopters or prescription powers fit. Safety glasses frames are available with either a 6-Base or 8-Base curve. If you have a high-power prescription, you may want to avoid wraparound frames. Check to see whether frames are high RX compatible.
What are the best frame materials for safety eyewear?
Safety eyewear is available with polycarbonate plastic or metal frames. If you work with high voltage electricity, the materials in your eyewear should be non-conductive. This means that frames should not be metal and should not contain any metal components. Otherwise, look for frames rated for any relevant safety hazards.
Can you get prescription safety glasses with multi-focal or progressive lenses?
Many styles of prescription safety glasses online are available with options for bifocal, multi-focal or progressive lenses. Check to make sure that the lens type you choose has the necessary safety rating. You may also be able to select lens options such as Premium Progressive lenses with Digital HD surfacing.